Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 5: Monterey

I believe that everyone on board the Katdenrie has officially fallen for Monterey. Of course, we have had perfect weather, plenty of adventure, and it helps that we have our friends aboard the Suebee to share in our fun.

Yesterday we attended the "world famous" Monterey Jazz festival... Perhaps I should preface my critique with the fact that no one in our group would classify themselves as a Jazz fan. So now that we have that straight, I think I can speak for everyone when I say it was a little lacking. Where was all the music?? It was a good thing that we scalped arena tickets, otherwise the only live music we would have heard would have been from over a fence (actually, that was the BEST music we heard). Lets just say it was more of a shopping affair, and none of us wanted to shop. I think mom probably enjoyed it most, but she is a musician, so she has that artist appreciation thing going. I am glad we went and had the experience, but as our new friends would say, "Been there. Done that. Not doing it again." Good thing they served beer.

The rest of the day was lovely. After our 3 mile trek home (ok, maybe a little dramatic), we rested up, had some wine, and walked along the wharf to a fantastic dinner. We were feeling bad about having eaten all three meals out, at least until the food came. We walked home where I found a not so little seal looking to use the deck on the stern of our boat to sleep. I had to inform him he was just too big, but he could come back and visit anytime. Telling a 400 lb. animal "no" when he is within arm reach is not exactly something I wanted to do, but he was pretty understanding.

So far, so good. We have one more day here, then we're off. I think I am safe for today, if anyone is getting tossed off, I think it's going to be the captain for his finagling performance on the wharf last night. Hey, at least he is ready for Mexico, we'll just have to keep him away from the vendors until then.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would of lost the bet at attempts over board by now, but glad to see and hear all is good aboard, love the blog.
I read the daily blog to Jazzie and was happy she is still the only Jazz you love.
Have a wonderful sail my friends, stay safe and no worries on this end, all is holding up including the pool. is suppose to get hot!