Sunday, February 15, 2009


We absolutely love Melaque. We’ve been here about 5 days now, and it’s been wonderful… especially since we’ve been reunited with our friends! The marina at Barra de Navidad is beautiful, and just so happens to be connected to a gorgeous resort… not that we’re in the marina, but the rest of the gang is so we’ve been visiting frequently (The pool days and playing on the slides has been a nice change). We’ve all been shopping and swimming, walking through the towns and drinking pina coladas (yes, even pops). There is a fantastic run from Melaque to Barra, a french baker who makes baguettes and croissants, and really really good fruit.

We even had a visitor! Remember Brett, the harbor patrol from Catalina? Well, he was headed from Zihuat to PV and stopped in for a couple days to hang out. It was a lot of fun to have another kid around, and we had a birthday to celebrate. Suebee put together an AMAZING potluck, and there was lots of tequila involved. We snorkeled and kayaked and ran a ton, even if it to get croissants at the bakery…

He hopped on a bus this morning and we’re headed south for a few days before we get up to Tenacatita.

Quick note on Las Hadas because I was slow to post! It was a pretty nice anchorage in Manzanillo Bay, right off of a few huge resorts. We had a lovely Valentines Day celebration with Eager Dreamer, Suebee, and Andanzas… and a less than lovely day in Manzanillo itself (the city is pretty loud and intense!). We head north tomorrow!

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