Friday, February 27, 2009

Chamela, Ipala, and La Cruz...again.

So we headed out of Tenacatita for Chamela early morning. As Escapade would say, "it was like sailing through the Monterey Bay Aquarium." There were so many jellyfish of all shapes, sizes, and colors. It was incredible. No wind and calm seas made for a very clear view. Not long after we started heading throught the jellies when the sea turtles made their appearance. Although they're not to exciting to watch, there were hundreds, and they wouldn't move as we motored right past them in our boat. Thank goodness they did decide to make last minute dives beneath our hull, we would have been having turtle soup for a year with all the turtles we would have run over!

The turtles, apparently, weren't the only ones who liked to snack on the jellies.Hundreds of Bat Rays were jumping out and swimming with the turtles. And once the jellies thinned out the Manta Rays put on a show for us. They can jump so high out of the water and then they belly flop. It was pretty amazing. Our wildlife excursion lasted all the way up to La Cruz, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Chamela was pretty uneventful, except for the fact that we totally changed our plans and decided to bash the boat back up immediately. We were anchored out at the islands at an intense red tide, I thought something had been ripped to peices in the water, it was really crazy. We headed up to Ipala before heading around Cabo Corrientas, and we had an amazing lobster dinner. We had oysters for aps, and we watched the kid go down and get our oysters out of the water for us! Delicious.

The most wind we've had in weeks was in Banderas Bay, and we pulled into La Cruz and got in gear provisioning for the bash and getting everything ready. Our last night was spent with Eager Dreamer and Escapade, and it was hard to say goodbye. Ok, we're pulling out of the gas dock and heading out, so no more time! I'll update in Cabo!

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